Re-enculturation process:
A short introduction
Thought precedes action. If our thought is based upon subconscious programming encoded from systems that are fundamentally disharmonious, what one produces from the mind will reproduce the dysfunction. This is true of the emotional system as well. When in development, we mirror the energetic structure of those who raised us. The initial mixture of nature and nurture combined with emotional events that become trapped in the body, all contribute to the structure of the emotional system. It is this structure that will dictate the pathways in which the flow of emotion moves throughout the body and thus how one is compelled to respond to stimuli.
If we do not deal with emotional blockages (trauma trapped in the body) we live a life in servitude, reacting subconsciously to anything that triggers that trauma.
The Re-enculturation process takes one into the depths of the self to bring conscious awareness to what was unconscious. Healing takes place through techniques that situate the practitioner in the present moment. By becoming continuously more aware we are trained to recognize and decode old thinking patterns and behaviours preventively.
We all too often behave in ways which we do not agree with rationally. We tell ourselves we are going to change but when the situation arises, we fall victim to our programming. How do we as individuals remove our triggers and reprogram our behaviour to meet our highest ideals and better judgment? As a species, we see that our actions are destructive. We are systematically killing off the living systems which allow the current stage of life to exist. Even those of us who know this are still feeding into many of the systems and behaviours which are directly involved in the extinction event taking place now. When we are thinking one thing and doing another, it is clear that we must delve further to find the roots of our behaviour. Our species is in reaction-mode based on subconscious programming.
Our programming dictates the expression of our character, which dictates the plot to our script, developing our story. The grand narrative we tell ourselves influences every scene of our lives, molding our patterns of thought and developing our actions. Over time, this develops into habits and ultimately writes the story of our lives. Multiple lives make a family; many families a community; many communities a culture. Our culture is one of the primary sources for code and thus the cycle between the personal, interpersonal, and societal continues.
The Universal Foundation for Holistic Design takes a whole-to-parts approach to health. Through experiential practice and study, we get to know the Complex Dynamic Ecosystem (CDE) that is the body from a whole systems approach. When we experience harmony and become familiar with what it looks and feels like within our internal ecosystems, we are able to extrapolate our findings and principles onto external ones. It is from this dynamic, experiential foundation, that we can begin to build societal systems that are not only harmonized with, but a part of the greater CDE’s of Earth.
What we give is what we get. What we ingest is what we become. We must be a healthy, regenerative system, in order to produce healthy, regenerative systems. When we understand both the structure and the interplay between how we are programmed by our society and how our programming creates our society, we are able to pause the feedback loop and create the opportunity to start a new.
To restructure societal systems, we require those who are aware enough to care
for all that cares for us
(NATURE). To be and thus exemplify the change we yearn for, we enter wholeheartedly into the Re-enculturation process so that we build a future where we all have a future.