Nothing is ours, everything is us
The interpersonal sphere focuses on Holistic Design, or the ability to organize syntropically amongst members and groups. The main focus is EDUCATION. Inter-action with this knowledge enables communities to organize within the existing harmony of natural systems. With Holistic Design as a foundation, we can ensure that the systems we develop with the intent to improve our lives are actually in support of all life.
Holistic Design (HD) synthesizes Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and modern science that seeks to understand the natural world, with the principles upon which a natural ecosystem functions. HD builds from the understanding that everything is interdependent and interconnected. From this simple knowing, a system can evolve and increase in syntropy and ultimately reach regenerative status.
Holistic Design takes a whole-to-parts approach to ensure that every action is measured within
the framework of a unified system. This simple adjustment in perspective helps make sure that each area we design is in service of the whole. We are not separate observers of our reality. Rather, we are in a continuous interchange with all of existence. When we recognize that we are the problem and the solution, we can move from a hope-less state of paralysis to a hope-full state of empowerment and action.